Aryo Wisanggeni G
Aris Prabawa and Budi Santoso, two artists who menapasi and tasted Taring Padi community of creative work, deploying joint exhibition at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta 2-11 August. Their creamy Aroma Taring Padi was featured on the work of those who continue to bear the various political problems and social issues. They are stubborn.
"Stubborn is an intimate phrase linking Aris ' Prabawa and Manyul ' Budi Santoso," wrote Alexander Supartono in the preface to the curator of the exhibition catalog Aris and Budi entitled Look there.
There are harsher than their kekeras-kepalaan, i.e. the works of those who bring bitterness of reality of our social and political life. Two recent work "Monument Budi Santoso, Indonesia is now 1" and "2" Now Indonesia Monuments for example, spicy.
Who ever pays attention to West Irian Liberation statue in the grounds of a bull remember surely Jakarta artists Edhi Sunarso symbolises the "non-free Irian Barat" with a man standing stretch, so strong the hands and feet of the man that was, until putuslah Binder chains her arms and legs.
Making a play on "Bob" statue with a bronze statue of Edhi 32 x 10 x 50 cm. sculpture Forms the males, as well as two pillars supporting a bronze statue titled "monument to Indonesia Now 2", that was exactly the original statue. The difference is, the chains binding the hands and feet of the man in the "monument of Indonesia is now 2" intact, not breaking up and stay membelenggu.
His other works, "monument to Indonesia Now 1", a play on the Aerospace in Pancoran statue monument, Jakarta, also by Edhi Sunarso. Make a "clone" of payback in the form of a bronze statue of 8 x 17 x 49 centimeters. If hand sculpted Monument Aerospace works reaching the sky, gallant Edhi sculpture "monument to Indonesia Now 1" by Bob sat hugging his knees buckled on the curved pillars. Of course, it's not two works of Budi was making fun of Edhi Sunarso.
The stroke of a ballpoint pen drawings gave rise to various side Aris militarism, something which has since responded with some of his old Aris. Pictures such as "safe" Pack (2011), "Baktiku you" (2011), or "Bi function" explore the issues that became a classic because it was never resolved.
Aris even suing inferior mentality that civil society had mendewa-dewakan through his military and militarism "Dependence" (2011). Thick and thin stripes-Ksenia that is so smooth to form figure dog burly uniformed which crumple up relax. The distinctive black dog ngelesot comfortable, letting him suckle four humans. In fact, civil society we are indeed still easily fascinated with everything what smells "a musketeer", "uniform", "Star", and "keperwiraan".
"Militarism has always been interesting to me because it touches on various aspects of the life of civil society. Wherever, always raises the question of military for democracy, with various shapes and landscape issues, "said Aris about various things about the konsistensinya respond to militarism.
Two of the few
Alexander Supartono in the Catalog View There called Aris and Budi as "two of the little" art workers who faithfully renders political and social realism as the theme of their work. According to Supartono, "Not many individuals ever and still active in the Taring Padi, which was originally based on fine art, who managed to establish themselves in the formal art scene. From the little that, fewer else continues to develop traditions of visual and thematic Taring Padi, "wrote Supartono.
Cultural institutions Populist Taring Padi, community art link Aris Manyul and Budi, was founded on December 21, 1998 at the legal aid Institute Office page. Arts community that democratic populist prosperous mencita-citakan a socially and ecologically, as well as independent in berkebudayaan.
Choice brings realism to make social and political themes of the aktivisnya presents works that are almost always setema though flavour of aesthetic could be not same. That choice also ushers in the perupanya, including Aris and Budi, always responding to the situation of social communities around them.
Bob lives in Yogyakarta in contact with the community of Kulon Progo struggling defending their land rights would be iron sand mining. "Of them, I gave birth to various works about them. Citizens even asked, ' city of Yogyakarta artists, where other artists? ' "said Budi.
Budi and Aris laugh anyway as "stubborn" from Supartono. "This is a selection of our work, the choice of road alignments. I was never allergic berpameran in the Gallery of luxury, but do hope the Gallery could set how I work. We never create works of sweet, and will never, "said Budi.
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