Thursday, August 16, 2012

Keguyuban in the Valley of Ciamis

COMPASS/CORNELIUS HELMY HERLAMBANGSantri in Pondok Pesantren Al-Ikhlas, Village Susuru, Village Panawangan, Kertajaya, Ciamis Regency, West Java, to teach at Masjid Al-Ikhlas, Sunday (5/8). Masjid Al Ikhlas built jointly by Muslims, and adherents of the teachings of the Catholic Church, Karuhun Sosial in 2002. Concord and cooperation antarumat in religous Susuru lasted from about a hundred years ago. By Cornelius Helmy

Keguyuban antarumat religion like breath that never stops in the Village Susuru, Village Panawangan, Kertajaya, Ciamis Regency, West Java. A hundred years ago, a difference of religion and belief continued into energy that unites.

Located in the Valley between Gunung Sawal and mount Ciremai, hamlet of Susuru is about 50 kilometers from the city center of Ciamis Regency. There is only one paved road rough along the 5 km and a width of 4 metres which connects it with the Centre of the village when there was.

In contrast to the more secluded hamlet in Ciamis, a community majority farmers living in the three pillars of religion and beliefs. According to the Secretary of the village Jarkasih, Kertajaya Jojo beginning last August, when coexisted Islamic religions of 2,300, 131 people are Catholics and adherents of the Teachings, 56 Karuhun Sosial (Along). With an area of about 150 hectares, masjid, layout 3 1 Church, and adherents of any adjacent place player. Likewise the home living adherents.

Traces of tolerance can be seen from the presence of the synagogue. Near the entrance of the village there is a complex of Pesantren Al Ikhlas following mosques. Kurdish leader Hajj Mukmin Sopandi (50) never forgetting the role of the citizens of Susuru are Catholics and adherents of the development Along that assist in boarding school mosque 10 years ago.

The Kurds said they voluntarily contribute material wood and together join the build. It's like the same time inheriting his Jami Susuru was founded in 1970 and renovated 21 years later.

"The Amil Zakat Committees is Omo and Ruswa. Both citizens of Susuru are Catholics, "said Kurds. In fact, his house was built jointly by the Catholic citizens and adherents who lived next door to his house.

St. Simon Catholic Church across from the Stasi mukmin also was born thanks to the Concord community Susuru. Stasi Chief Paul Susuru Anang Suryana (45) says, many adherents of the religions of Islam and helped the Church renovation in 2007. They do happily without expecting to pay a dime. Materials, stone, wood, labor, and any donated food.

Tolerance is not only there. When citizens join the celebration of any religion to attend each other. For example, when the celebration of Christmas, and adherents of the religion of Islam was never absent. In addition to join gives meditations, voluntarily they also took part in the vigil were part of the event. Citizens also participate

help contribute to consumption.

"We have also always been involved when Muslims celebrate Eid, Isra Miraj, or Eid al-Adha. Not only congratulate, but pray for each other's religion and belief as, respectively, "he said.


The head of the political science courses at the Faculty of social science and political science University of Siliwangi Tasikmalaya Akhmad Satori, who had examined the diversity in Susuru, says, it's already appeared when diversity Ki Sumantra, citizen Susuru, home village after learning the spiritual Sciences. Ki Sumantra learn from Prince Madrais, the leader of The Assembly Hall, Five Single in Tri Brass, West Java, the beginning of the 20th century.

The teachings of the Prince Madrais known as Religion Djawa Sunda (ADS) was taught to the community Susuru. Previously, the entire community Susuru embraced Islam.

In the 1960s, when the Government banned the ADS, Prince Tejabuana, leader of the ADS when it frees followers embraced religion, recognized at the time. Prince Tejabuana chose Catholicism, followed by many of his followers at Susuru. However, not a few who choose to convert to Islam.

"Backwoods Community Susuru puts coexist without looking at the differences of religion and belief. People respect each other citizens taken choice, "he said.

In its development, the community is satisfied with religious adherents of the routes chosen to be pressed on the teachings of Karuhun Sosial. They believe there is a God or Gusti nu Maha Suci. There is also a select new religious beliefs and through marriage. Everything happens without coercion or conflict.

"Kentalnya application of zithers acts creating community full of tolerance," said Akhmad. A byword for Sunda that mention silih hone, silih asih, followed foster, which means mutual love, sharpen, and protect yourself, really real on Susuru. The proof, the typical Sundanese gamelan degung — art — accompany misa Susuru Catholics.

Not a hitch

Margaretha Mimi Sumiyati (45), the citizens of Susuru, says her children, her parents choose religion and frees up the trust. She chose Catholic although his parents and third adherents. They lived in the same house without any religious conflict. The message no religion or belief which taught the ugliness into the handle.

"These differences into grace," he said. From this village, recorded six citizens to become monks and nuns.

The same recognized Dayat Hidayat (40), adherents of the get along. "The difference beliefs such as the precious gems to

keeping each other up and take notice, "he said.

Sanajan--sewang sewang but TEUs ewang-ewang. Though different religions, citizens Susuru an indispensable part.

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