Dody Kristianto
you're a young, faithful book pendaras
not in vain if that old jawara
rebuke thy name out loud
While showing the three organization based on
so you're the young always stand guard
and guess which style later
can you tie in sports
He was a teacher and a perfect seteru
prepare yourselves
cause you're gonna know
how cakaran Eagle
lost koyakannya
or the peace ploy by snake
helpless in front of kekangannya
berjagalah, create tatapanmu standby
and guess what horses
He pointed out
Perhaps organization based on dragons
motion gelebat agile clay
an easy-to-dibebat
Although the longest Pike
threatened in the presence of
It really cannot be muted
and appeased
motion really tough
the dipungkasi with the
Boxing sets
It could be, he will lead
with a bear footprint of robustness
slow motion, which is very
given the steps carefully
Trust me, everything blows helpless
in front of the body, the mightiest
with the urat-uratnya strapping
who can afford the crippling
a swarm of attacker actions
will not complete if you catch
one style: his shrewd pamungkas ape
the agile and difficult to guess
you're not going to know in what ways
suddenly he Dodge
then without guessing do hentak
you're not going to think, for this stratagem
a masterly save of all gamparan,
kicks, or clinch
kala cecunguk who boasted
tried to assault, menusukmu
with thee kelewang
Dody Kristianto
Mute and jurusmu towards the sabetan organization based on that first arrived. Do not forget to save a clinch as soon as kerjap which makes the jawara
awakened from his sleep. Kuda-kudamu of course it is ripe. You who have undergone the fight without a break with articles berjurus munyuk and foremost bertoya buluk.
Have you living
until you understand the true meaning of take a hit or how to entertain a kick into the decisive on the edge of your face. Are you studying
about the pain of losing. Certainly not a threat, a bunch of Witless cecunguk that these plans and called your name kelewang boasted.
Dody Kristianto
which of course mature
with horses
are all power
the berlintasan
the parsed eyes
that has broken down
and ready dihempaskan
in front of jemawa
a challenging
you who know
all happenings pencak
from that crazy kembara
also one siasatnya
that can paralyze
the invaders of the step
so far
of course he tuntunkan you
rounds to tame
He taught about the twist
sudden motion that
then observe how
a pair of foot step
stepped on and mengentak
in order for the below
send its
give power
a robustness
on lesatan blows
that will be directed
to all directions
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