Monday, February 18, 2013

Pemkab Berau Luncurkan Festival Derawan

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TANJUNG REDEB, Berau akan meluncurkan  festival Derawan pada  15 Februari di Tanjung Redeb Kabupaten Berau meski Gubernur Kaltim Awang Faroek Ishak di Samarinda akhir 2012 lalu telah melakukan hal yang sama.

"Launcing festival berkelas internasional itu direncanakan Jumat (15/2) malam,  pekan ini. Acara  dipusatkan di Lapangan Pemuda Tanjung Redeb dan dimulai sekira pukul 20.00  Wita, " Kata Hj Rohaini Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Berau, Senin (11/2).

Pihaknya bersama panitia telah merancang seluruh rangkaian launcing  melibatkan stakeholder terkait.

"Yang pasti malam launcing itu juga menjadi malam hiburan bagi masyarakat Berau, jadi seluruh masyarakat diundang," ungkapnya.

Rohaini juga mengajak seluruh masyarakat untuk terus mempromosikan Festival Derawan. Bahkan untuk menyemarakkan festival ini, seluruh instansi baik pemerintah maupun swasta telah berlomba memasang spanduk maupun umbul-umbul berlogo Festival Derawan. "Kita ajak masyarakat untuk menyemarakkan festival ini," ucapnya.

Menurut Rohaini, dalam rangkaian kegiatan Festival Derawan,   pihaknya terus berkoordinasi dengan jajaran Pemprov Kaltim sebagai motor penggerak di even yang juga sudah teragenda di Sail Indonesia 2013.

Beberapa agenda kegiatan dikatakan Rohaini telah terprogram dan juga diselenggarakan di malam lacara launcing nanti. "Kita juga berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah pusat terkait rangkaian dan proses pelaksanaan agenda Festival Derawan," katanya.

Bimas Buddha Join Lestarikan Historic Site

JAKARTA,— Directorate General Buddhist Bimas a. Djoko Wuryanto admitted his side still has limited funds, but to preserve the historic heritage site of Majapahit and Srivijaya remains committed.

As routinely membersihakan site in question also serve as places of worship, because that part of history that is important to the people of Indonesia, he said when face to face with the reporters in Jakarta on Monday.

He explains, Buddhists in Indonesia around 8 million people and the number as much as it is scattered in various areas throughout Indonesia. Any infinite adherent among certain ethnic groups, such as China or Java. Also many in the rural areas with deficient means of places of worship.

Bimas Buddha does not have enough funds to rescue the various historic sites in Indonesia. To handle this, but there are other institutions to preserve sites associated with Buddhism it has great responsibility.

Only, limited to preserve and not do the excavation because of lack of funds.

Bimas Relief Fund for Buddhist houses of worship for thousands of $. Funding was of course very inadequate with houses of worship Buddha who attained widespread 3.441 in various monasteries 3.236 location, consisting of fruit and 205 temples.

He admitted many followers outside of Buddhism, such as an ethnic Chinese, has recorded the population sign card (ID CARD) of the Buddha. But the reality was a lot of religious ritual Konghuchu. It happened because a Vihara, shrines have three teachers: the Buddha, Taoist and Confucianism. Usually viharanya have the name Tri Dharma.

It does not matter. Buddhists easy set up and have a high tolerance, said Djoko Wuryanto.

He said, the presence of three teachers in such places of worship is a form of unification. Like the water sweet tea: there's water, there's no sugar and tea. All unified and have a distinctive flavour.

Offensive about the detention of Walubi Hartati Murdaya, Chairman, Djoko said, so far it does not disrupt the Buddhists. For all keumatan tasks that were previously handled Hartati Murdaya, now there are already dealing with.

In the near future will also be deploying Walubi National Congress (Congress) in order to choose a new leader.

About holding of Vesak falls on May 12, 2013, Director-General of the Buddha explains the Bimas, for the coming year is no longer owned by one mejelis Buddha interchangeably.

But the Committee is conducted simultaneously. That is, the National Committee and carried out at Borobudur and Mendut temples.

A few years ago, the Chairman of the Committee are usually held by Walubi Vesak or other Assembly. It is no longer carried out, he said.

For the Vesak not solely concentrated at Borobudur. In other places, such as Filigree (Candi Jiwa) and Muara Takus (Jambi) could have held similar celebrations. As in previous years, Vesak activities filled with social events in the form of free medical and social service, he said, explained.

Holis Raih Rekor MURI dengan Lumpur Lapindo

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SIDOARJO, Holis Satriawan meraih penghargaan Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia (MURI) atas kreasi menggunakan media Lumpur Lapindo untuk kategori melukis terbanyak 100 kanvas dalam waktu sembilan jam.

"Penciptaan rekor MURI itu sebagai bentuk kepedulian kami terhadap korban Lumpur Lapindo di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur," katanya di Sidoarjo, Selasa.

Ia mengemukakan, Lumpur Lapindo nantinya akan digunakan sebagai warna dasar dalam lukisan serta dipadu dengan cat warna lain.

"Tema yang saya usung kali ini adalah ekspresionis dengan tujuan seni budaya Indonesia bisa dikenal lebih luas lagi di masyarakat," katanya.

Rencananya, Maret mendatang, seratus lukisan yang dibuatnya akan dilelang dan hasilnya akan dipersembahkan untuk korban Lapindo dan juga untuk "bedah sekolah" di Jawa Timur.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Senior Manajer MURI, Paulus Pangka, mengatakan, penciptaan rekor yang dilakukan kali ini merupakan yang ke-5819.

"Dengan adanya pemecahan rekor ini diharapkan para seniman dan juga masyarakat lain bisa berlomba-lomba untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya yang unik untuk diketahui oleh masyarakat luas," katanya.

Ia mengatakan, untuk melukis dengan media Lumpur Lapindo di atas kanvas dengan jumlah seratus buah memang masih belum ada.

Dalam pemecahan rekor itu sendiri, Haris membutuhkan waktu sekitar dua sampai dengan empat menit untuk membuat satu lukisan.