Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lomba Penulisan \"Bahasa Indonesia dan Kita\"

IP is over the quota - Dalam rangka Bulan Bahasa (Oktober) 2012, harian Kompas mengajak semua Kompasianer berbagi pengalaman seputar penggunaan bahasa Indonesia. Mari mencintai bahasa Indonesia dengan meramaikan lomba menulis bertema “Bahasa Indonesia dan Kita” di Kompasiana.

Syarat dan ketentuan lomba:

- Lomba terbuka bagi Kompasianer dan umum. Peserta umum dipersilakan membuat akun Kompasiana untuk mengirimkan karya.
- Tulisan tidak melanggar Ketentuan Konten Kompasiana.
- Tulisan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik.
- Peserta wajib mencantumkan tag “bahasadankita” (tanpa tanda kutip).
- Tulisan yang dikirimkan bersifat baru, belum pernah dipublikasikan di media lain, dan karya orisinal pemilik akun.
- Jumlah tulisan tidak dibatasi.
- Lomba tertutup bagi karyawan Kompas Gramedia dan keluarganya.
- Keputusan dewan juri tidak bisa diganggu gugat.

Dewan juri:
Bambang Sigap Sumantri (Wakil Redaktur Pelaksana Kompas)
Tri Agung Kristanto (Kepala Desk Nusantara Kompas)
Pepih Nugraha (Managing Editor

Lomba menulis ini dilaksanakan 10 Agustus-25 September 2012. Tulisan dengan tag lomba yang dikirimkan di luar periode tersebut tidak akan dinilai. Nama-nama pemenang akan diumumkan pada 18 Oktober 2012 di lembar Freez harian Kompas, Kompasiana, dan Karya pemenang I-III akan dimuat di lembar Freez pada hari yang sama.

Tersedia hadiah menarik berupa uang tunai, piagam, dan suvenir untuk Kompasianer yang karyanya terpilih sebagai pemenang.

Pemenang I : Rp 5.000.000, piagam, dan suvenir Kompas
Pemenang II : Rp 3.500.000, piagam, dan suvenir Kompas
Pemenang III : Rp 2.000.000, piagam, dan suvenir Kompas
Hadiah hiburan : 10 paket suvenir Kompas dan voucer Toko Buku Gramedia @ 250.000

Pemenang lomba yang berdomisili di Jabodetabek akan diundang dalam penyerahan hadiah pada 20 Oktober 2012 bersamaan dengan seminar bahasa di Gedung Kompas Gramedia, Jalan Palmerah Barat Nomor 33-37, Jakarta Pusat. Bagi pemenang di luar Jabodetabek atau yang berhalangan hadir, hadiah akan dikirim.


Pajak hadiah ditanggung pemenang 5% (dengan NPWP), 6% (tanpa NPWP) dihitung dari 50% nilai hadiah.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi:

Tunggu apa lagi? Mari buktikan kita cinta bahasa Indonesia!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

67 anniversary Celebrated at Morotai RI

MOROTAI, (ANNIVERSARY) to the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia-67, and remembrance proclamation glimpses, Friday (5/8) held at denuding near the port of Morotai, Morotai, North Maluku province.

A warning in the form of ceremonial flag was led by Governor Malut Thaib Armaiyn as Inspector of the ceremony. As Commander of the ceremonies, was Lieutenant Colonel (Inf) Triwahyu Mutaqin Akbar. Saiful Bahri Malut LEGISLATIVE Chairman Ruray membancakan return statements, the proclamation of independence of INDONESIA on August 17, 1945 read by Ir Soekarno.

Flag ceremonies in an atmosphere clouded, overwritten by the wind Zephyr breezes Beach, followed two army battalions, in addition to guest invitation ceremony from Jakarta, North Maluku, and Morotai island. Citizens also watched ceremony, and followed him from outside the arena of the ceremony. However, residents remain enthusiastic and capture visible activity was with the camera on their mobile phones each.

In addition, the flag ceremony supported implementation of presidential regulation Team Work Number 78 in 2005 about the development of Outlying smaller islands, is also filled with troops and defile appearance of patrol boats belonging to the Navy, the Ministry of transportation, Police, customs and Excise, as well as the Ministry of Marine and fisheries.

In a ceremony that also had sung the song Sail Morotai. Sail for Morotai the next will be held mid-September, which is the promotion potential of marine and fisheries at Morotai.

Dody poems Kristianto

Dody Kristianto

you're a young, faithful book pendaras

not in vain if that old jawara
rebuke thy name out loud
While showing the three organization based on

so you're the young always stand guard
and guess which style later
can you tie in sports

He was a teacher and a perfect seteru
prepare yourselves
cause you're gonna know
how cakaran Eagle
lost koyakannya
or the peace ploy by snake
helpless in front of kekangannya
berjagalah, create tatapanmu standby
and guess what horses
He pointed out

Perhaps organization based on dragons
motion gelebat agile clay
an easy-to-dibebat
Although the longest Pike
threatened in the presence of
It really cannot be muted
and appeased
motion really tough
the dipungkasi with the
Boxing sets

It could be, he will lead
with a bear footprint of robustness
slow motion, which is very
given the steps carefully
Trust me, everything blows helpless
in front of the body, the mightiest
with the urat-uratnya strapping
who can afford the crippling
a swarm of attacker actions

will not complete if you catch
one style: his shrewd pamungkas ape
the agile and difficult to guess
you're not going to know in what ways
suddenly he Dodge
then without guessing do hentak
you're not going to think, for this stratagem
a masterly save of all gamparan,
kicks, or clinch
kala cecunguk who boasted
tried to assault, menusukmu
with thee kelewang


Dody Kristianto


Mute and jurusmu towards the sabetan organization based on that first arrived. Do not forget to save a clinch as soon as kerjap which makes the jawara

awakened from his sleep. Kuda-kudamu of course it is ripe. You who have undergone the fight without a break with articles berjurus munyuk and foremost bertoya buluk.

Have you living

until you understand the true meaning of take a hit or how to entertain a kick into the decisive on the edge of your face. Are you studying

about the pain of losing. Certainly not a threat, a bunch of Witless cecunguk that these plans and called your name kelewang boasted.


Dody Kristianto

which of course mature

with horses
are all power
the berlintasan

the parsed eyes
that has broken down
and ready dihempaskan
in front of jemawa
a challenging

you who know
all happenings pencak
from that crazy kembara
also one siasatnya
that can paralyze
the invaders of the step
so far

of course he tuntunkan you
rounds to tame
He taught about the twist
sudden motion that
then observe how
a pair of foot step
stepped on and mengentak

in order for the below
send its
give power
a robustness
on lesatan blows
that will be directed
to all directions


Monday, August 20, 2012

Seudati Festival held at Bireuen 2012

JAKARTA, 2012-Festival will be held at Bireuen Regency in Aceh are capable of promoting Provinci targeted tourist and cultural Aceh.

"We expect this ' event ' is not only capable of promoting tourism in Aceh but also the local community culture in the broader level especially ASEAN," said Deputy Minister for tourism and Creative Economy Sapta Nirwandar here on Saturday night, in the launch of Aceh Seudati Dance Festival 2012.

It wished, the festival is planned in September or October performed by 2012 will be the start of a good promotion for the implementation of the program Visit Aceh 2013.

Seudati was chosen as the festival, he said, because of the uniqueness, specificity, and its potential as one of the cultural product is Acehnese.

"And this ' event ' is getting a positive response from the people of Aceh so that hope can be a good impact for society," he said.

Director of tourism promotion In the country Kemenparekraf m. Faried said it gave full support to the event.

"Funds for organizing the event is supported by the full BUDGET 2012 worth nearly one billion dollars," he said.

To become an annual event, it asks for starting next year there should be participation of local governments to fund the implementation of local festivals.

Bupati Bireuen h. Ruslan m. David says, the implementation of Seudati memomentum Festival 2012 being valuable in the midst of rampant party claim against the culture of Indonesia.

He hoped, with the number of festival no longer issues similar claims that stuck out over Indonesia as a cultural heritage of other peoples.

"In addition we also feel proud of the attention of the Government in introducing Dance Seudati widely and make it as ' event '. We hope it will also continue to encroach into ' event ', "he said.

The tourism sector in Aceh for as long as it contributes to the revenue of the original area.

The number of foreign tourists to Aceh was recorded as many as 29,500 in 2011, while the number of tourists to Indonesia Aceh mobilization in the same year reached 959.000 people.

It wished, organizing festivals leading up to and during the program Visit Aceh Seudati 2012 2013 including the Festival was able to boost the number of tourists to Aceh until it reaches more than 20 percent.

Cassava and boy Million Trust


• Book title: Si Chairul Tanjung Child Cassava • Author: Tjahja Gunawan Diredja • Publisher: Publisher • Print: Compass Book VI, August 2012 • thickness: xvi + 384 pages • ISBN: 978-979-709-650-2

In the 2000s, shortly after the conglomerate long been patient Indonesian bank restructuring agency, appeared a number of names new entrepreneurs. Chairul Tanjung is one of them.

Her inimitable blend of business conglomerates that public interest was reinforced in the financial sector, industry, property or a portion of the estate, and of course the mass media. The new conglomerate that wants to get a foothold in the world of entertainment or media, accompanied the emergence of a new middle-class domestic.

Scramble or place established themselves as media people are very thankful for, especially if it gets a nickname as the press, even some crossing into the world of politics with different motivations.

It is not surprising if there are allegations, the new conglomerate post-war new order was spearheaded by longtime players who need a "confidant" to roll back its assets that cannot be bought back from the Indonesian bank restructuring agency. However, reading the biography of Chairul Tanjung (CT), we will not find an answer that even though gunjingan will always be heard.

CT take Mega Bank (1995) "top offer" senior official of Bank Indonesia and Bapindo through the process of due diligence, long before the conglomerate roll mat (1997). However, it is true, as said in the introduction, Jakob Oetama CT capital is trustworthiness. And, it is in fact a big capital, a leader of a major entrepreneurial capital.

Good luck, unseen treasures

CT is believed to interest entrepreneur, market, and favored the President. Throughout this book we presented the small steps that make CT magnet. Once again is not the money, but rather the capital trust. For those who see the money as a constraint in berwirausaha will not believe how a "child cassava" who lived in the alley, and the usual desultory-walled "hanging out" in the latrines, zinc-roofed attended UI had no money, could become scholars and bankers are taken into account. Surely, they thought, there is another hand that borrow it.

A wise man said it's not because of luck, but because of the fengsuinya preparation of strong self met with opportunity. CT reading opportunity since becoming popular in Salemba campus kid 's. While other students are busy in college and photocopying diktat, he thus saw the gap between the cost of photocopying and print them in the form of stensilan at printing time JUNIOR HIGH school friend of his in the Senen area. Big difference. He was ready to come, take risks, and offer cheaper rates. Believed to have been on campus makes it believed the business world bit by bit.

From photocopying to medical tools, then buying and selling used cars, a petty contractor, and learned to deal with adversity. When bankrupt, instead of like eggs that broke out, he was quite the membal back like a tennis ball. Isn't God gives us trouble so we think? Like a driver who expose themselves to the risk, he doesn't want to be passengers who idly behind. He claimed to have always invited bids to go into business-new business and he wants to do it. If we're in the school of dentistry, most likely the wife would say, "Doing so skipper shoes? Kan, mas doctor? "

So he offered the people of Taiwan make shoes though would only pass the factory slippers, he continues to expose difficult to enter. From there he can trust, combining expertise in the industry and property. From dealing with banks as the debtor until it becomes the owner of the bank and into the world of television. Spiritually we can trust prayerful mother who accompanies a person's luck. Almost all the leaders and businessmen in his biography always call MOM. Strange, Yes, not Mr. kok?

However, in entrepreneurship, the luck of someone only occur if both of the above are met: being able to read the gap (opportunity) and prepare. Never mind the entrepreneurial, a presidential candidate must be able to read just the opportunity as well as scientists should be able to see what gaps have been researched and are still a problem. However, it is capable of reading alone does not make you lucky man. Human beings should move, mengeksplorasinya, which means to do preparations until he visited by opportunity-the chance is greater. However, who can be invited if there is no trust?

The accumulation of all of this is in fact an invisible treasure-treasure (intangible) makes a big businessman Warren Buffet, as well as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and became the capital for Ir Ciputra, TP, Grace and Peter Sondakh. In my opinion, the ability to manage human treasure treasure-look here (knowledge, belief, fighting power, information, learning, and ethics) be explored in the world still less schooling us.

Ability to manage a treasure that appears to be known as the life skills and make Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, United States, and Singapore as a formidable nation. Will the case he got it from CT, the journey of life.

Child singkongnya?

The biography was made with simple language, with chapters written by short-short, away from jargon-business jargon. However, as I said in the preamble, there is still a lot to be told CT, especially in "trust" given the old players, at least how he distinguished himself with them and established as an entrepreneur in a new era of more grounded good governance. Reflection proximity with the Lord should be also described that young entrepreneurs are able to take consideration of the Cook.

Although the generation of very familiar with CT child cassava, there's nothing in this book that reviews explains why he claims to be the son of cassava. In the book are also found several reviews that impressed many cut so the question arises, why should be presented if the information just a potluck? Also encountered turmoil between writing an autobiography (describes "I") and a biography written by someone else based on the results of research (p. 165).

However, if we can isolate certain parts, this book is important to instill the spirit of entrepreneurship. How to make scholars as a lucky man who not only became public at the foot of the five players over the years competed with commoners and always meributkan constraint.

KASALI KASALIGuru Of Faculty Of Economics, University Of Indonesia •

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Nyoman Erawan Rely On Painting Nude

DENPASAR, — painter Nyoman Erawan, Bali, rely on painting nude in berobyek painting exhibition at Ubud, Gianyar Regency, Bali, to reveal that nakedness is included in moral values.

"Body in a veil of consciousness soul craved values the merit and notability," said alumnus Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta in Denpasar, Monday.

In the solo exhibition which took place on 26 August to 25 September 2012, featuring 50 works on canvas Erawan, 50 sketches, and the seven works of installation.

He posited, the body is a picture of "jiwatman" or entities connected with people who are seeking to declare the realisation itself as "atman" as a soul is created from a spark of light power of the creator.

"For me, the image of the body on the paintings that represent the State at the same time the notion of the human body in the attitude of reverence in the presence of the universe," he added.

Nyoman Erawan reveals that he took the decision to display the image of the face and the body itself in the abstract paintings from the last three years.

Erawan explains that the Upanishad has pointed out where, or how, in fact, the soul dwells in the body of the human self.

"He is the soul of the most perfect or Purusha, the smallest, but mastered the knowledge, who is hiding in the hearts and minds. Those who know it to be lasting, "he said.

Perfect soul is "jiwatman" who is aware of the situation as the deepest meaning of atman that moksha is release and an understanding of the law decree phunarbhawa (reincarnation) for ever.

Thus, the soul back to occupy the place of origin and the purpose of a true and lasting. In order to achieve moksha salvation, a person charged with seeking and enforcing road safety in life.

That effort can be done with purify the soul of bond deeds (karma) and a trick containing virtual properties as darkness (awidya).

He added, it was able to arouse canvas works of mankind to be able to cleanse themselves in living the life.

Bergesernya Behavior Of Ramadan

Ali Mustafa Yaqub

One of the Islamic prophet Muhammad's behavior was very prominent during the month of Ramadan is a kedermaannya attitude is very high. Companions of the Prophet, Abdullah bin Abbas, speak, "If come the month of Ramadan, the Prophet's very generous like a breeze that blew."

Prophet Muhammad the benefactor on moons in addition to Ramadhan and very generous in Ramadan. Very generous this gesture, although it was already a Muslim community of past behavior, it seems that there has been a shift to the Muslims of today. Promotion of consumerism and fierce konsumtivisme which conducted vigorous long before Ramadan coming, while and after Ramadan, has changed the behavior of Muslims during Ramadan so the consumerist. This phenomenon has attracted a sociologist from the University of Oxford, Walter, who in 2004 Armburst doing research about it.

He concludes, Ramadan has become an event that can be used for the purpose of a multipurpose. Ramadan into something which, Furthermore, can be used for a different agenda: from selling products, stimulate production, to promote political stance. The world class marketers long ago marked the arrival of Ramadan as the most important business period.

In this month's Muslims cannot eat and drink all day, but incredibly significant increases food consumption (Indonesia Consumers, 2004; Zainal A Hidayat, Compass, 3/10/2006). Places such as shopping malls and supermarkets but also very crowded visitors during Ramadan. Consumptive behavior of Muslims also triggered the promotion of products and services that are packaged with the Pack of worship. Refer to, for example, packages of Ramadan so that Muslims ' umrah jorjoran berumrah Ramadan.


In 2009 it was reported that Muslims perform umrah Ramadan reached 3.6 million people. If this news is true, the number of Muslims who perform ' umrah in Ramadaan is more than the number of those who perform the Hajj. If everyone is spending money on average 2,000 US dollars (approximately USD 18 million), will be accumulated 7.2 billion US dollars issued by Muslims to act is not mandatory and never exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. If that amount is added to the results of a Research Institute in Damascus, Syria, which States each year Muslims issued 5 billion u.s. dollar funds to make Hajj, then that amount be 12.2 billion u.s. dollars. Whereas, in the same State of Muslims in General were derailed.

Note, for example, Muslims in Palestine, Somalia, Burma/Myanmar, even in Indonesia alone. If the following indicators of the World Bank stated that poor people are the ones that his earnings a day fewer than 2 US dollars, the number of poor people in Indonesia's Muslim majority it reaches 117 million people.

Behavior of Ramadan Muslims Indonesia seems to have shifted from benefactors and berinfak behavior, such as those exemplified the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and consumer behavior becomes the egotistical precisely prohibited by Islam and contrary to the teachings of Ramadhan itself. In the past year, the first night of Ramadan, Istiqlal mosque obtain funds from infak (charity box) tromol Tarawih Rp 23 million, while this year the first night of Ramadan Istiqlal mosque obtain funds infak Tarawih Rp 4 million. While in the great mosque of Sunda Kelapa, if last year the first night of Ramadan Tarawih tromol accumulated USD $ 19 million this year, $ 16 million.

Although the two mosques in the capital of this has yet to be made barometer decreased infak behavior of Muslims, those symptoms should Indonesia become an afterthought. So, our behavior turns out to be more and more away from the guidance that exemplified the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Indonesia Muslims seems to require an actual example from the leaders in all layers so that it is able to play back tapes infak Prophet Muhammad's behavior, not the leader that only clever tongue bersilat.

Ali Mustafa Yaqub Priest Istiqlal Mosque

Taring Padi is Stubborn

Aryo Wisanggeni G

Aris Prabawa and Budi Santoso, two artists who menapasi and tasted Taring Padi community of creative work, deploying joint exhibition at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta 2-11 August. Their creamy Aroma Taring Padi was featured on the work of those who continue to bear the various political problems and social issues. They are stubborn.

"Stubborn is an intimate phrase linking Aris ' Prabawa and Manyul ' Budi Santoso," wrote Alexander Supartono in the preface to the curator of the exhibition catalog Aris and Budi entitled Look there.

There are harsher than their kekeras-kepalaan, i.e. the works of those who bring bitterness of reality of our social and political life. Two recent work "Monument Budi Santoso, Indonesia is now 1" and "2" Now Indonesia Monuments for example, spicy.

Who ever pays attention to West Irian Liberation statue in the grounds of a bull remember surely Jakarta artists Edhi Sunarso symbolises the "non-free Irian Barat" with a man standing stretch, so strong the hands and feet of the man that was, until putuslah Binder chains her arms and legs.

Making a play on "Bob" statue with a bronze statue of Edhi 32 x 10 x 50 cm. sculpture Forms the males, as well as two pillars supporting a bronze statue titled "monument to Indonesia Now 2", that was exactly the original statue. The difference is, the chains binding the hands and feet of the man in the "monument of Indonesia is now 2" intact, not breaking up and stay membelenggu.

His other works, "monument to Indonesia Now 1", a play on the Aerospace in Pancoran statue monument, Jakarta, also by Edhi Sunarso. Make a "clone" of payback in the form of a bronze statue of 8 x 17 x 49 centimeters. If hand sculpted Monument Aerospace works reaching the sky, gallant Edhi sculpture "monument to Indonesia Now 1" by Bob sat hugging his knees buckled on the curved pillars. Of course, it's not two works of Budi was making fun of Edhi Sunarso.

The stroke of a ballpoint pen drawings gave rise to various side Aris militarism, something which has since responded with some of his old Aris. Pictures such as "safe" Pack (2011), "Baktiku you" (2011), or "Bi function" explore the issues that became a classic because it was never resolved.

Aris even suing inferior mentality that civil society had mendewa-dewakan through his military and militarism "Dependence" (2011). Thick and thin stripes-Ksenia that is so smooth to form figure dog burly uniformed which crumple up relax. The distinctive black dog ngelesot comfortable, letting him suckle four humans. In fact, civil society we are indeed still easily fascinated with everything what smells "a musketeer", "uniform", "Star", and "keperwiraan".

"Militarism has always been interesting to me because it touches on various aspects of the life of civil society. Wherever, always raises the question of military for democracy, with various shapes and landscape issues, "said Aris about various things about the konsistensinya respond to militarism.

Two of the few

Alexander Supartono in the Catalog View There called Aris and Budi as "two of the little" art workers who faithfully renders political and social realism as the theme of their work. According to Supartono, "Not many individuals ever and still active in the Taring Padi, which was originally based on fine art, who managed to establish themselves in the formal art scene. From the little that, fewer else continues to develop traditions of visual and thematic Taring Padi, "wrote Supartono.

Cultural institutions Populist Taring Padi, community art link Aris Manyul and Budi, was founded on December 21, 1998 at the legal aid Institute Office page. Arts community that democratic populist prosperous mencita-citakan a socially and ecologically, as well as independent in berkebudayaan.

Choice brings realism to make social and political themes of the aktivisnya presents works that are almost always setema though flavour of aesthetic could be not same. That choice also ushers in the perupanya, including Aris and Budi, always responding to the situation of social communities around them.

Bob lives in Yogyakarta in contact with the community of Kulon Progo struggling defending their land rights would be iron sand mining. "Of them, I gave birth to various works about them. Citizens even asked, ' city of Yogyakarta artists, where other artists? ' "said Budi.

Budi and Aris laugh anyway as "stubborn" from Supartono. "This is a selection of our work, the choice of road alignments. I was never allergic berpameran in the Gallery of luxury, but do hope the Gallery could set how I work. We never create works of sweet, and will never, "said Budi.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Idioms Bali worldwide

Museum Nyoman Gunarsa, Klungkung, Bali, hosts the International Festival of classical Balinese Paintings Prime, which lasted from Saturday (28/7) until 28 October. The Festival is filled with classical Balinese paintings exhibition, both coming from the museum's collections, private collections, as well as works by artists of the younger generation.

Two men, who dress the King, face to face and equally would attack. They are depicted holding a gun-shaped rod that ends the bat emits fireballs. In the middle of them there is an elephant and a turtle with a bite. The two animals, the Central fight, it is the personification of both men face to face.

The painting entitled Prabu Bawasu War battle to duel with The Supratika clearly described with a classic Balinese style of painting. Wijnand Otto Jan Pelukisnya is Nieuwenkamp (1874-1950).

WOJ Nieuwenkamp is an Illustrator, graphic artist, painter, collector, and writer and Explorer Amsterdam, Netherlands. He often visited the regions of Asia, including Bali. WOJ Nieuwenkamp was in Bali when the Netherlands military expedition took place in Bali in 1906 and witnessed the battle of Marga Klungkung in 1908.

Painting work of classic Balinese Nieuwenkamp that reside in the Museum Nyoman Gunarsa, Klungkung, Bali, and were exhibited in the International Festival of classical Balinese Paintings Prime, held at the museum belongs to the maestro, Nyoman Gunarsa Bali home.

About a hundred paintings was featured in the exhibition of classical Balinese paintings of classical Balinese, which lasted from Saturday (28/7) until 28 October. Classical painting exhibition that the Museum Nyoman Gunarsa publishing collections (Klungkung), Neka Museum and ARMA Museum and Museum of Castle painting (Ubud, Gianyar), and Bali (Denpasar) Museum and Museum Pasifika (Nusa Dua, Badung).

In addition, it also presents a collection of National Gallery of Indonesia (Jakarta) and Museum Sono Budoyo Museum (Yogyakarta) as well as a collection of reproductions of several official or museums abroad, among which the Museum of Australia and the Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden (Netherlands).

Interestingly, the festival of classical Balinese paintings in Museum Nyoman Gunarsa it also provides a place for young artists of the Kamasan to display their works. Kamasan is a village in Klungkung is touted to become the center of classical painting in Bali.

As for the painting by WOJ Nieuwenkamp became the evidence of impact marks on the work of artists from Bali beyond Bali. Painting by the same themes with painting Nieuwenkamp's classic work of Putu Bali Hema (collection of Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden), even the same, i.e. penokohannya, Bawasu and The Supratika as well as elephants and turtles. That distinguishes these two paintings it is a picture of the setting, the media, and the paintings creation.

As an observer of art Jean Couteau expressed during the opening of the International Festival of classical Balinese Paintings in Museum Nyoman Gunarsa Prime, Klungkung, Saturday (28/11), Bali arts not only got influences from Europe, but on the contrary, Bali also gave influence on the works of artists from Europe.

Heritage culture and history

The art of the classic images of Bali has developed since centuries ago. An archaeological remains in the Bedulu, which is estimated to be made in 968 Ce, showing the sculpture depicts a Lotus position.

Classical painting and other arts of Bali is thriving and is cited in the golden age era entering XV when the leadership of King Dalem Waturenggong, the center of his Kingdom in Semarapura or Klungkung.

Classical Balinese paintings not only thrive in the Klungkung, but also spread to other areas, such as Denpasar, Tabanan, Badung, Bangli, Singaraja, and Gianyar.

When Bali visited Chinese and European merchants, Bali paintings art into commodities to be bought and collected is sought. Bali classic painting was appraised value and unique art as well as containing life philosophy, ethics, and knowledge.

Chinese merchants coming to Bali also documented local artists into a stylish classic Kamasan paintings estimated to be created around the century XV. Painting found in Gelgel village, Klungkung, it's a collection of Museum Nyoman Gunarsa.

"Observe the classic painting such as Bali read the story," said Nyoman Gunarsa in perbincangannya with Compass, Saturday (28/7).

Anthropologist in Bali, I Wayan Geriya, stated, the work of classical Balinese paintings and the archipelago is generally a reflection of philosophical values of Hinduism. Classical Balinese paintings exude values, aesthetics, ethics of notability, spirituality, and the narrative character of the nation.

The idea of classical Balinese paintings are generally sourced from the epic Mahabarata, Ramayana, or the story of Voila and Pararaton. Kamasan paintings of classic Balinese style can be seen in the Park intact Gili Kerta Gosa, Klungkung.

In the exhibition at the Museum Nyoman Gunarsa displayed paintings as well as drawings by rerajahan, or mystical symbols that are believed to bring supernatural powers or as repellent as bala, Bala Repellent Rerajahan painting by Balian of Arta Mangku Tembuku, Bangli, Bali.

Associated with the festival led Nyoman Gunarsa, Jean Couteau said Nyoman Gunarsa apresiasinya up efforts to bring home a number of classical Balinese paintings from several museums and collectors abroad to his native Balinese. According to the Couteau, a classic Balinese paintings exhibitions provide an opportunity to recognize and acknowledge the exotic and mystical Bali, Balinese or that those foreign tourists. "Thank you Mr. Nyoman Gunarsa," Couteau said in his speech at the opening of the festival.

Festival of classical Balinese paintings was held at the Museum Nyoman Gunarsa were increasingly established as a Center for the art of Balinese fun with berkesenian activity. Earlier, Bali hosted the international painting exhibitions, namely Asian Watercolour Expression. Watercolor painting exhibition featuring works by artists from 11 countries in Asia, held in Bentara Budaya Bali, Gianyar, Ketewel, since Monday (24/7) until Tuesday (31/7).

Watercolor painting exhibition in Bali is a cover of a series of similar exhibitions organized in four English Watercolour Society places, ranging from Bentara Budaya Jakarta (4-14 April), at Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta (22-30 May), Balai Soedjatmoko Solo (2-9 June), Bentara Budaya Bali Gianyar.


Bedaya Build Charisma King

Thomas Pudjo Widijanto

Illustration exhibition material and Christopher Vecchio Bedaya at Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta indeed impressed. Hardly uniform. About twenty works, all women in the position of dancing in a variety of forms of motion.

However, the women were playing a variety of attitudes and classic Javanese dance motion named Bedaya and Christopher Vecchio. On exhibit 6-12 August 2012, 20 illustrations representing 20 dance works Bedaya and Christopher Vecchio created Tyra de Kleen, painter-born women who worked in Sweden, the Netherlands East Indies around the 1920s prompting.

There is no dance Christopher Vecchio Menjangan Ronggah, Christopher Vecchio Sekar Suwun, Christopher Vecchio Bedaya, Ngancap, Manah, Ukel Bedaya Tanjak Bedaya, and so on. The whole dance it to complete the illustration of books about the Bedaya and Christopher Vecchio ditiulis Beata Anna van Helsdingen 1925 entitled Het Boek Christopher Vecchio.

This exhibition indirectly does like to talk about the history of dance and Christopher Vecchio Bedaya, dance works which originally came from within the Palace of Surakarta and Yogyakarta and then spread to all walks of society at large. The possibility of 20 works of dance in the illustration were partly extinct, there is no current generation who recognize it again.

Therefore, this exhibition became an important activity, especially associated with the current culture activities whether it's an exhibition or show always berimpitan with what commercial name. This exhibition presents a step, concern that eventually became a form of cultural activities which had an important meaning in the realm of Javanese culture.

"Search for author or illustration of dance-dance and not issue Christopher Vecchio Bedaya easy. Searches that we do just find three people and all of them Westerners, "said Hermanu from Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta, initiator of this exhibition.

Here's the irony that accompanies this actor, had no Western writers who are researching about Christopher Vecchio and behold we have Bedaya, lost track of. In fact, the dance and the all Christopher Vecchio Bedaya culprit women by Beata Anna van Helsdingen, author of the book Christopher Vecchio Boeken, Het was a struggle for women's rights Indonesia.

"I will give you an insight into a woman's rights in the land of Netherlands Indies (Indonesia). You may be immediately recognized and respects women emancipation through writings of mine and You will probably agree with me, "said Danilo Ana in quote exhibition catalog.

The Story Of

Dance classics, especially dance, dance is the Bedaya considered sacred created the King tempo Java first. Bedaya is the meaning of gratitude. Therefore, almost all dance talks about symbolic message Bedaya that boils down to build your manners. As expressed great teachers majoring in Dance Indonesia Art Institute (ISI) Yogyakarta, Y Sumandiyo Hadi, dance is arguably a symbolic work Bedaya describing the process or even ride a King's reign, especially in the Kingdom of Mataram Islam.

Hailed as a symbolic work, according to Sumandiyo, in the Yogyakarta Palace, for example, since Hamengku Buwono I until Sultan Hamengku Buwono X has always invented dance, which tend to Bedaya relating to institutional Palace, message content, and influence for the dance community. Arguably, what is expressed Sumandiyo, is the efforts of King bedaya build his image.

Dance is the most recent work of Bedaya Sultan Hamengku Buwono X entitled "The Amurwobumi", which was coined around 1990. With this work, Sumandiyo was shocked, because "The Amurwobumi" is another name of Ken Arok, controversial figure with premanismenya properties. However, the departure of Ken Arok, "Bedaya Amurwobumi" wanted to give teachings about humanity.

Dance till now the Bedaya Ketawang sacred dances for Keraton Surakarta and Yogyakarta Kingdom. This is a magical dance until now believed to invented Sultan Agung (1591-1645) and Nyi Roro Kidul, imaginary figures as Queen Of the South Sea. This dance is only performed when a King ascended to the throne.

Is told, in a Hermitage, Sultan Agung seeing Nyi Roro Kidul deeply loved him. Love is spelled with the singing while dancing in front of the pantun Sultan Agung. So beautiful that, Sultan Agung pantun very interested until he ordered Nyi Roro Kidul glorified train Bedaya dance.

Queen of the South were willing to train Nyi. That's what's causing the pantun and then created dances are considered sacred works. In accordance with the request of Nyi Roro Kidul, exercise can only do on the eve Kasih Anggoro (night Tuesday Kliwon). Beyond that, Nyi Roro Kidul is the demand for each exercise there should be burnt offerings and incense.

Offerings and incense burns that later became a tradition to initiate dance scene Bedaya Ketawang. In any staging, dance should be selected that women do not currently go through menstruation. Pantun said Nyi Roro Kidul created by it must be sung in chorus (with) women and men. The song was very impressed because Holy should not be sung at any place, should not be sung in the intercourse of daily life, in addition to performance time.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Century Jegog Bertalu in Jembrana

By Cokorda Yudhisthira

Roar is heard from the pages of complex Gedung Kesenian Dr Ir Soekarno, City State, Jembrana, Saturday (4/8) afternoon. The sound was coming from dozens of musical instruments at the bamboo ditabuh vigorously. Gaunt music echoing far away from the heart to the edge of the city.

Rumble it's coloring mebarung, peak performance of jegog festival, which was centred on the jegog complex Gedung Kesenian Dr. Ir. Soekarno, Jembrana. Mebarung means to fight so fight jegog jegog mebarung meaningful by involving two groups of art (sekaa) jegog, or more than two sekaa, simultaneously.

Hubbub is certainly due to the festival in Jembrana jegog day 73 of groups nationwide followed Jembrana. Even the boisterous atmosphere low when jegog dance ngibing ditabuh for en masse.

Among the groups that follow the 73 jegog jegog festival there are two the whole penabuhnya sekaa jegog women. Two women's groups jegog each Sekaa Werdhi Swari Jegog Ayu Woman and Woman Kusuma Sekaa Jegog Widya Ayu.

Both women came from sekaa jegog Village Poh Mendoyo, Santen, Jembrana. The appearance of a group of women that was riveting jegog audience. "It doesn't have to be monopolized Berkesenian man," said Ni Luh Sitiani, leader of the Jegog Woman Kusuma Sekaa Widya Ayu, Poh, Mendoyo Village, Jembrana Santen.

Senada Sitiani, Pioneer Woman Ayu Sekaa Werdhi Jegog Swari Village Poh Santen, Ni Nyoman pure, stating, those women in Poh Mendoyo, Santen, boasted about being able to preserve and develop the traditional arts. "We also supported my husband," said pure.

A century

Jegog is a traditional art of Jembrana. Art music tetabuhan, which the entire instrument from bamboo and is expected to be assembled is a century old. Jegog developed Kiyang, a farmer from Geliduh village of Dangin Tukadaya, Jembrana, circa 1912.

It is unclear who the true creator of the jegog because banging bamboo as a tool bebunyian is believed to have long life in the local community, the majority are farmers. However, it is certain that, until recently, still flourish in communities jegog the farming community is similar to a makepung, or buffalo racing, in Jembrana.

"As with any traditional Balinese art, anonymous, he attended jegog in the farming community who is also a traditional artists," said I Ketut Suwentra, artists from the village Of Cage, Jembrana, who is also leader Of Jembrana Sekaa Jegog Flare.

Bamboo is a plant that is closely associated with rural communities in Bali. Many bamboo functioned as everyday equipment, including in religious ceremonies. Local farmers also get to know the community and play a musical instrument, tingklik jegog but not as big in size and use bamboo jegog is split.

In addition to the device made from bamboo, has additional features, jegog i.e. the barrel not the pelog or titi slendro as do music or musical tradition, but the barrel is jegog titi on between the two.

Suwentra referred to it as a four-barreled tone jegog titi. "There is one tone that only exists on the jegog, i.e. ndaing. This makes the tone is able to collaborate with jegog music whatsoever, "said artist displays an avid Jembrana jegog domestically and abroad.

The voice is melodious with domination and boisterous jegog is when ditabuh mebarung, but could also be soft and mellifluous as ditabuh teruntungan, was worldwide, ranging from Asia to Europe.

Some tourists from Japan to watch concert jegog looks mebarung. "I love the jegog. His voice is distinctive as pervasive to the soul, "said Yoshiko, tourists from Kobe, Japan, when witnessing jegog in Jembrana.

This is a series of Festival jegog Art Festival 2012, which held Jembrana Regency Government a joint Ministry of tourism and Jembrana district Economy Creative RI since Friday (3/8) until Sunday (5/8). Jembrana district Arts Festival 2012 opened Resource Development Agency Heads tourism and Creative Economy Ministry of tourism and Creative Economy I Gde Pitana, RI last Friday.

Jegog is soul society Jembrana. Art music is already a century old this contention almost throughout the banjar in Jembrana. The uniqueness of the jegog, tetabuhan typical bamboo, it encouraged the Government of Jembrana local to propose to the list of cultural heritage of the jegog world.

Lebaran So The promotion of Arts and culture

PAMEKASAN,— Some artists in Pamekasan, Madura, East Java, is planning to make the 2012 as the momentum Lebaran promotion to introduce various types of traditional arts and cultures that exist in the area.

According to a spokesman for artists Bob Chandra, Pamekasan Monday, it has been preparing the staging of traditional arts in order to welcome the Idul Fitri holiday island, later.

"One is the staging of traditional art in collaboration of Madura in the field Ex Lebaran Ketupat PJKA Trunojoyo, Pamekasan Road," he said.

He explains, staging the kind of traditional art collaborations, among other types of traditional Javanese art, music dhengge music saronen mouth, and traditional music Daul.

Bob Chandra said the staging of traditional culture art collaboration Madura hight Ketupat later, Solidaritas cooperation between the activist of traditional art with the Landhep Foundation, a foundation that Semmo moves in the preservation of cultural arts of Madura.

"We assess the promotion of art and culture with traditional harness momentum will be more effective on Idul Fitri to socialize to the citizens of Madura who lives in exiles, will their ancestral art and culture," said Bob Chandra.

He explains, the citizens living outside the island of Madura, obviously not going a lot to know various kinds of traditional art creations are the result of their ancestors.

"Never mind that live outside the island of Madura, the younger generation who lived in Madura alone today many do not understand," he said.

According to the Chairman of the Landhep Foundation, Iskandar, an effort Semmo preserving the traditional art and culture to be held in Madura Lebaran Ketupat later, is actually a follow-up activity. For earlier, it has also been showing Foundation various activities, in collaboration with one of the managers of restaurants in Pamekasan.

"Me and my friends who cares about the art and culture of the island compelled to preserve through the Foundation, because the art and culture of the island has now been almost extinct. Whereas the ancestral cultural heritage on the island are very much, "he explains.

Iskandar DPRD members that further explains Pamekasan, Madura culture art preservation movement that carried out institution is not only limited to the staging alone, but also attempts to change various kinds of art and culture that more younger group circles preferred foods.

"Of course there must be a Way to keep berpengang the implementation cacatan in elements of the traditional artistic staple in itself," she added.

Iskandar further explains, holiday Lebaran as the utilization of promusi art and culture of the island, as well as the follow-up of the Declaration of the Revival art and culture activities by 100 artists Madura, not long ago.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

25 Poles at the mosque Gantiang

Grand Mosque of Gantiang in the city of Padang, West Sumatra, seen from the front, Friday (6/7). The mosque is one of the oldest mosque in the city of Padang.

As many as 25 mast stood foursquare inside Grand Mosque of Gantiang in Jalan Gantiang No. 10, Kelurahan, Kecamatan Gantiang Parak Gadang Padang Timur, Padang, West Sumatra. The Poles into the main buffer is number 25 mosque represents the prophets and Apostles should be diimani in the teaching of Islam.

On poles that listed names of those prophets in Arabic script. Starting from the writings of the Prophet Adam AS name, whose names are listed in the column on the right rear corner, and covered with writing the name of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

"This order follows the way of reading the Scriptures of the Quran that starts from the right side," said the imam of the Grand Mosque of Gantiang, Safruddin (57).

That day, good Friday (6/7), or just a few days before the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. A number of worshipers filled the saf (sequence) ahead to implement ASR prayers in Congregation in worship.

Some among the pilgrims is a passer that passes the highway ahead of mosque. Some of the visitors come with a number of family members.

As soon as a time to pray inside, worshipers gather around saf cutting edge. It is located close to the Saf the last line of the main poles of the cantilever of the mosque.

Poles are lined in five lines. Diameter 40-centimetre currently 4.2 yards with white paint. Unadorned, except for the names of the Prophet in Arabic script and a bit of paint color of golden yellow at the top and lowest level.

Based on the record of the Grand Mosque library titled a glimpse of History Gantiang the Grand Mosque of Gantiang, the poles were made of bricks. The Poles into the roof of the cantilever roof of the octagonal.

Based on the same note, the roof of the dome was done by the artisan-artisan from China under the command of Captain Lou Chian Ko. The influence of China is visible from the architect form the roof storey octagonal dome which resembles the shape of the roof to pray.

Grand Mosque of Gantiang now stands with a magnificent main dome was flanked of two towers on the right and left. Before getting into the inside, in the seven pillars of lined serambinya look. Each is composed of two adjoining piers. To access go into it, there are eight doors which can be used.

Safruddin originating from Payakumbuh, West Sumatra, has 25 years as a priest in the mosque. He remembers clearly, when the earthquake struck Padang on September 30, 2009, nine poles were damaged.

Each pillar with the inscription the name of Prophet Ibrahim, Luth, Hud, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, job, and Shoaib. "Of the nine pillars, damaged by the name of Prophet Shoaib pole had suffered destruction," Safruddin said.

The Oldest

Improvement and scrutiny is carried out by officers of the ancient Relic Preservation Hall (BP3) Batusangkar. The reason, the Grand Mosque of Gantiang, built in 1805 it is one of the oldest mosque in the city of Padang.

One of the oldest Mosque is a mosque in other Muhammadan Batipo Market Street, the city of Padang. The two often referred to as the mosque is the oldest mosque in the city of Padang.

Grand Mosque library records mention Gantiang, before starting to built in 1805 on the location now, the mosque stands on the edge of the stem initially (River) Arau in 1790. Construction of the highway by the Government of Netherlands East Indies towards Teluk Bayur Harbor make that initial building had to be demolished. It then moved to the current location.

Land size mosque 95,6 meters x 102 metres at the current location of the seven tribes of the endowments that were in the area. In the southern part of the building there is a tomb of the originator of the construction of the Grand Mosque of Gantiang, namely Sheikh Haji Angku Uma.

However, it has not been able to mention name Safruddin tribes referred to, including background on the unification of the tribes in the construction of the mosque.

However, traces of the old mosque's diverse history as a witness important events recorded in the Grand Mosque library records Gantiang. In between the earthquake and the tsunami in 1933 that made the stone floor of the composition was replaced with a mixture of chalk and pumice processed shells.

Center activities

The mosque was so Central Islamic renewal movement in Minangkabau in 1918. In addition, the location of the first Hajj embarkation in the central part of Sumatra.

In fact, the grounds of the Grand Mosque of Gantiang also became the location of the first school or pesantren Sumatera Thawalib in pondok Padang. This occurred following the start of school by Haji Abdul Karim Amrullah bin in Padang Panjang about a century ago.

Safruddin added, throughout the holy month of Ramadan this year, it was so central mosque of worship activities, inter alia to spmb elementary to HIGH SCHOOL levels, tadarus or read the Bible, Quran and lectures after the brief prayer times dzuhur.

Yusi (36), one of the residents living in the neighborhood bordered on the back of the mosque, said, in addition, other activities, such as the Division of Staples, also committed to meeting the needs of admits the feast of Eid al-Fitr. However, he said, activities at the mosque that is now likely to no longer as it used to be. "Maybe because there have been many people who wander," he said. (Ingki Rinaldi)

Nicholas Mark combine their Mythology and Western Indonesia

By Sekar and Dance
The book "the adventures of Indonesia Child" written by young writers from Australia, Nicholas Mark, tells the story of an adventure filled with a blend of imagination and Western Indonesia mythology.

Nicholas Mark told Afp Saturday, argued that, since she was interested in the film and the book tells the story of adventure and mythology.

"I really like this type of story about mythology and adventure. A story like this can generate more time feeling my childhood and others as well as membangitkan children's imagination, "said the young man who now resides in Sydney, Australia, it is.

The book "the adventures of Indonesia's son" is a collection of stories written by Nicholas Mark, with Illustrator Bambang Shakuntala.

The book comprises three stories, the stories of his adventures in the Woods and Wayan Monkey Ubud, and his adventures on the island of Mutia Gold as well as the adventures of Nanda, Dhani, and the fairies rescued from the eruption of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta.

The story follows the adventures of Wayan in Bali tells Wayan and the struggle to save the monkey forest monkeys. Nicholas described the monkey forest as a mystical, there is the evil monster who wants to capture the monkey forest of the monkeys.

In the second story that tells of The adventures and Brooke Taylor on the island of gold. Nicholas took the background atmosphere of Padang after the earthquake.

Mutia is a child who is diligent and kind. One day there are seirang grandmother asking his help. Granny is Brooke Taylor met with the golden egg, and go to the world of garuda on top of sky and Lake Toba to save the city of Padang.

The last story about the adventures of Nanda, Dani, and the fairies saved the city from a volcanic eruption.

Sisters Nanda and Dani getting orders from their father to go to the Secret Passageway to meet the fairies. Afterwards they met with the three kings, go to Borobudur temple to stop a volcanic eruption.

This book takes the background on typical locations such as Padang, Indonesia, Lake Toba, Borobudur Temple, and Bali and Nicholas attempted to stir up the imagination of children on an adventure through the imaginary figures like Grandma's magic, bird garuda, the monkeys at Monkey forest, gang secrets, and the fairies.

Living in Indonesia

Nicholas says, get story ideas from his experience the streets and living in Indonesia. He said, never been to places that he make the background story in his book.

"The name of each character within the story of Yogyakarta is the name of a friend I am familiar of Yogyakarta, so it has elements of personal stories as well for me," said the 24-year-old man.

Recently had a chance to read the story of Nicholas also writing in front of the pupils of the primary school (ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) of Santa Ursula Jakarta.

He was satisfied because of the positive response, and the students also enjoy a fairytale third read.

"I am happy because the tales of Western mythology and mixing the Indonesia could be accepted by children native Indonesia," he said.

Nicholas hope to write children's books again. He said he was very fond of this type of adventure stories and mythology.

"If the book is successful, I would have loved to continue series Adventure Indonesia, and write new fairy tale about a collection of other islands in Indonesia," said Nicholas.

This book could have been obtained at various bookstores in Indonesia. Nicholas estimates, up to this point had 300 books sold.

Keguyuban in the Valley of Ciamis

COMPASS/CORNELIUS HELMY HERLAMBANGSantri in Pondok Pesantren Al-Ikhlas, Village Susuru, Village Panawangan, Kertajaya, Ciamis Regency, West Java, to teach at Masjid Al-Ikhlas, Sunday (5/8). Masjid Al Ikhlas built jointly by Muslims, and adherents of the teachings of the Catholic Church, Karuhun Sosial in 2002. Concord and cooperation antarumat in religous Susuru lasted from about a hundred years ago. By Cornelius Helmy

Keguyuban antarumat religion like breath that never stops in the Village Susuru, Village Panawangan, Kertajaya, Ciamis Regency, West Java. A hundred years ago, a difference of religion and belief continued into energy that unites.

Located in the Valley between Gunung Sawal and mount Ciremai, hamlet of Susuru is about 50 kilometers from the city center of Ciamis Regency. There is only one paved road rough along the 5 km and a width of 4 metres which connects it with the Centre of the village when there was.

In contrast to the more secluded hamlet in Ciamis, a community majority farmers living in the three pillars of religion and beliefs. According to the Secretary of the village Jarkasih, Kertajaya Jojo beginning last August, when coexisted Islamic religions of 2,300, 131 people are Catholics and adherents of the Teachings, 56 Karuhun Sosial (Along). With an area of about 150 hectares, masjid, layout 3 1 Church, and adherents of any adjacent place player. Likewise the home living adherents.

Traces of tolerance can be seen from the presence of the synagogue. Near the entrance of the village there is a complex of Pesantren Al Ikhlas following mosques. Kurdish leader Hajj Mukmin Sopandi (50) never forgetting the role of the citizens of Susuru are Catholics and adherents of the development Along that assist in boarding school mosque 10 years ago.

The Kurds said they voluntarily contribute material wood and together join the build. It's like the same time inheriting his Jami Susuru was founded in 1970 and renovated 21 years later.

"The Amil Zakat Committees is Omo and Ruswa. Both citizens of Susuru are Catholics, "said Kurds. In fact, his house was built jointly by the Catholic citizens and adherents who lived next door to his house.

St. Simon Catholic Church across from the Stasi mukmin also was born thanks to the Concord community Susuru. Stasi Chief Paul Susuru Anang Suryana (45) says, many adherents of the religions of Islam and helped the Church renovation in 2007. They do happily without expecting to pay a dime. Materials, stone, wood, labor, and any donated food.

Tolerance is not only there. When citizens join the celebration of any religion to attend each other. For example, when the celebration of Christmas, and adherents of the religion of Islam was never absent. In addition to join gives meditations, voluntarily they also took part in the vigil were part of the event. Citizens also participate

help contribute to consumption.

"We have also always been involved when Muslims celebrate Eid, Isra Miraj, or Eid al-Adha. Not only congratulate, but pray for each other's religion and belief as, respectively, "he said.


The head of the political science courses at the Faculty of social science and political science University of Siliwangi Tasikmalaya Akhmad Satori, who had examined the diversity in Susuru, says, it's already appeared when diversity Ki Sumantra, citizen Susuru, home village after learning the spiritual Sciences. Ki Sumantra learn from Prince Madrais, the leader of The Assembly Hall, Five Single in Tri Brass, West Java, the beginning of the 20th century.

The teachings of the Prince Madrais known as Religion Djawa Sunda (ADS) was taught to the community Susuru. Previously, the entire community Susuru embraced Islam.

In the 1960s, when the Government banned the ADS, Prince Tejabuana, leader of the ADS when it frees followers embraced religion, recognized at the time. Prince Tejabuana chose Catholicism, followed by many of his followers at Susuru. However, not a few who choose to convert to Islam.

"Backwoods Community Susuru puts coexist without looking at the differences of religion and belief. People respect each other citizens taken choice, "he said.

In its development, the community is satisfied with religious adherents of the routes chosen to be pressed on the teachings of Karuhun Sosial. They believe there is a God or Gusti nu Maha Suci. There is also a select new religious beliefs and through marriage. Everything happens without coercion or conflict.

"Kentalnya application of zithers acts creating community full of tolerance," said Akhmad. A byword for Sunda that mention silih hone, silih asih, followed foster, which means mutual love, sharpen, and protect yourself, really real on Susuru. The proof, the typical Sundanese gamelan degung — art — accompany misa Susuru Catholics.

Not a hitch

Margaretha Mimi Sumiyati (45), the citizens of Susuru, says her children, her parents choose religion and frees up the trust. She chose Catholic although his parents and third adherents. They lived in the same house without any religious conflict. The message no religion or belief which taught the ugliness into the handle.

"These differences into grace," he said. From this village, recorded six citizens to become monks and nuns.

The same recognized Dayat Hidayat (40), adherents of the get along. "The difference beliefs such as the precious gems to

keeping each other up and take notice, "he said.

Sanajan--sewang sewang but TEUs ewang-ewang. Though different religions, citizens Susuru an indispensable part.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Penetrate The Limits With Keith Jarret

Dwiki Dharmawan

The composition of "Stella by Starlight" initiated the appearance of Keith Jarret with Gary Peacock and Jack De Johnette on Wiener Konzerthaus, Austria, 8 July. This concert is part of the Jazz Fest Wien 2012. Lulled audiences, even to a song by Victor Young had ended.

Keith Jarret not only play music, but it also brings us drift. Together the trio had played together about 25 years it continued to siphon off energy, Jarret indefinitely through composition "G Blues", "I Thought About You", and "Autumn Leaves".

Banned cough

Flying with jet specially provided by the Committee on the same day of his holiday home in Nice, France, Keith Jarret is one of the very few jazz star who always enjoy facilities thanks to the struggles of VVIP class and trip length of MPB. Pianist and composer born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, in 1945, who began his career with Art Blakey, Charles Lloyd and Miles Davis in the 1990s had should rest length due to diseases of the bone behind it prolonged.

After his condition improved, Jarret back performing solo piano and then go back on tour and playing with Peacock and again the trio De Johnette. Earlier, in the 1970s, Jarret lead formation "European Quartet" and recorded several albums under the label ECM. Jan Garbarek Quartet is supported (saxophonist), Palle Danielsson (bass player), and Jon Christensen (drums).

The 2003 Vienna International Jazz Festival (Jazz Fest Wien) in 2012 to coincide with the time the host Football European Championship 2012. However, it is not shattered our interest fans of jazz in Vienna and throughout Europe to rush every concert held last witnessed in several places in the city of Vienna, Austria, June 25-July 9, 2012. Keith Jarret Trio concert is the eagerly awaited jazz fans. I am very fortunate to have the honor to be invited by the organizers of Jazz Fest Wien since afternoon recently participated along with several musicians appeared from Austria in Ratthaus (The Town Hall) in the 2003 jazz Viena.

Before the concert started, the host announced that the audience is not recording, photographing, and go for a walk during a show in progress. Amusingly enough, viewers are prohibited from also announced a cough. I so thought the story of Fritz Thom, Director of the Jazz Fest Wien, which tells, in 2007 had occurred on his personal concert Keith Jarret Trio at the Umbria Jazz Festival, Italy. The story, in the middle of the show, Keith Jarret was furious when there's a photographer take a picture and sound very disturbed him his camera so he took out the words that are not in place to the public. As a result, since that time, the organizers of Umbria Jazz Festival pledge would never invite Keith Jarret again.

Trumpeted and dancing

One hallmark of Keith Jarret while playing the piano is a loud vocalization, humming and trumpeted in rhythm games hard enough with its fingers on the piano, but with a tone that is not so obvious, irregular such as scat singing. This style is actually always done some of his predecessors, such as Thelonious Monk, Errol Garner, Willie Smith, and Cecil Taylor. However, not only that, also sometimes stand Jarret and play while dancing around the piano and it animates the game when his rendition of "I'm a Fool to Love You", "I've got a Crush on You", and "The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea". Before a pause without words, Jarret, Peacock, and De Johnette salute that greeted Pat long onlookers.

The pause time 30 minutes the audience an opportunity to simply drink, to the toilet, and berbatuk ria, knowing almost 1 hour should all hold sneezes and coughs. Album-album CD Keith Jarret bestselling diborong ranging from solo piano Concert album, Jarret Galten/Peacock/De Johnette Setting Standards New York Sessions, The Melody at Night, with You and Up for It during the halftime show. to begin, sit in a Chair long Jarret piano and yet want to play its fingers on the piano until the audience is completely silent.

Then mengalunlah "I'm Gonna Laugh You Right Out of My Life", followed by "It is Really the Same", and "Once upon a Time". Once tasted, improvisation, harmony, and rhythm are built with Gary Peacock and Jack De Johnette which so penetrates boundaries. Indeed, the legendary jazz musicians they've really reached the predicate "great teacher". In fact, the audience is not so noticed that the bass player, Gary Peacock, actually appeared on stage with the use of hearing aids (hearing aid).

The concert concludes with a number of "God Bless The Child" that makes the audience giving standing ovation for so long. It is fortunate, Keith Jarret is also located in a very good mood that he gave up encore twice. I came home and out of the Wiener Konzerthaus with the feeling of hovering while searching the streets in downtown Vienna on a warm summer.

Dwiki Dharmawan, Musician